Illustrated Stickers Set for Patreon in occasion of Pictoplasma 2022
In occasion of Pictoplasma 2022, yearly illustration and animation festival happening in Berlin, Patreon asked me to develop a set of 3 illustrations. Patreon, being one of the parters of Pictoplasma, was among the other things contributing with a set of stickers to give each attendee in their welcome bags. The goal was to embody Patreon’s key values and messages in a fun and concise way and ultimately connect with the participants.

How might we convey Patreon’s key values in visuals that are concise and fun yet easy for Pictoplasma attendees to connect with?

We worked around 3 main topics: creativity, sense of community and monetisation. For each I have developed 2 illustration drafts with 2 different concepts that we reviewed with the Patreon team and ended up selecting the final 3 for the colouring phase.
In the finalisation phase we decided to go for special stickers materials, like holographic and glitter, to make the stickers more memorable and encourage the attendees to use them!