Melancholia, a memory card game for Alzheimer's and dementia sufferers
Nearly 44 million people in the world suffer from Alzheimer’s or a related dementia and only 1-in-4 people with these diseases have been diagnosed. Western Europe is one of the world’s region most harshly affected by these diseases which, unfortunately, do not have a cure so far. Between those 44 million, Mine and Elena's grandma our grandma.
Nevertheless, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia can be prevented. Studies demonstrate that mental stimulation is one of the pillars on which a brain-healthy lifestyle is grounded. Those who continue learning new things and challenging their brains throughout life are less likely to develop these common yet dangerous illnesses. Our challenge was to design a game Alzheimer’s and other dementia sufferers will have some fun with while being mentally and tactually stimulated.

How might we design a game Alzheimer’s and other dementia sufferers can play with their beloved ones while being mentally and tactually stimulated?

Melancholia is a memory card game which aim is to strengthen the discourse about Alzheimer and dementia’s prevention. The game is designed by me and my cousin Elena Castellini (@june.graph).
Melancholia is not only suitable for dementia patients, but for their families, their loved ones and people of any age. Designed for everyone’s enjoyment, Melancholia is the perfect way to gather and spend quality time.

Melancholia is available on Etsy.
Photos by Christopher Emerson (@msp_shotsfired).