Customization of a Pair of Crocs for Croctober and Social Media Content Creation
How would I customise my Crocs if I could do anything? This is what Crocs Italy has asked me to do for Croctober, the month where they celebrate Crocs super fans and their creativity applied on their shoes. While doing so, they asked me to document my process and creating content for my Instagram community as stories and a reel.

How might I customize a pair of Crocs Clog G making them truly mine and expressing the uniqueness of the brand?

I’ve started my process analyzing the collection colors and shapes, as well as the Croctober values that through this project we want to highlight: Uniqueness, Originality, Flexibility, Style. I managed this way to shape the concept I wanted to wok on, framing the customized Crocs as a medium to deliver the key messages of Crocstober in a tangible, joyful, artsy and unique way. At the same time, the process of cutomization creates opportunities for interaction with others - via social media with the content and in real life by wearing the shoes! Ultimately, the customized Crocs become storytelling themselves, by not being "just shoes", but they encapsulate meanings and messages, finally serving as a conversation starter.

Inspired by the Crocs collection, I’ve worked with my pastel shades and built a color composition on the shoe. I’ve decided to stress the concept of individuality hacking the pair of Classic Platform Clog from Jibbitz to toe (yes, pun intended). Using polymer materials I’ve created the Jibbitz deconstructing my logo and applied them on the top part. As usual, I’ve brainstormed creative taglines and painted them on the most visible part of the product. For this Croctober challenge you can bet I’ve strayed from the path and walked my own way in the most comfy and colourful shoes!