Personal Branding for Brittni Bowering, freelance Workshop Designer & Facilitator
Brittni Bowering is a freelance workshop designer and facilitator based in Berlin. Whether it’s a critical business challenge or a fun-focused team retreat, Brittni is all about designing and facilitating the perfect workshop. She approached me with the goal to create a bold brand identity for her visual communication as a freelancer.

After a branding workshop through which we identified Brittni’s personal brand values, I designed her brand guide - establishing fonts, colors, illustration, icon and imagery style. On top of this I designed a series of formats based on Brittni’s current content that she could roll out on her Instagram channel. Iteration over iteration, we got to the final identity - representing Brittni’s humorous and colourful personality. Lastly, we scaled her brand guidelines to deliverables including: Instagram formats, business cards, stickers and worksheet templates.